We are pleased to announce the Global Cultural Engagement Convention (GCEC), a student conference to be held at the HKUST, from 22 to 29 June. The Convention provides free accommodation and travel expenses subsidy to all participants. The GCEC is a student initiated program jointly organized by the HKUST Students’ Union, the International Student Association, and the Undergraduate Mainland Scholars’ & Students’ Association.
Program Overview
The GCEC 2014 aims to:
• promote for international student integration and cultural exchange
• enhance global networking and develop leadership potential of participants
• explore the cultural aspects of Hong Kong and South China
Activities of the convention include theme-related lectures, leadership training and social activities. Participants are required to work on group project to explore cultural related topics. The program will be conducted in English.
We are also inviting participants to share their experience related to following topics:
• Student Integration on Campus
• Strategies of Enhancing Internationalization as student group
• Developing Global Leadership
Registration and subsidies:
Participants are required to pay USD$100 deposit (refundable) to confirm their attendance. Free accommodation will be provided by the convention. Subsidy for travel expenses to Hong Kong is also available. Presenter will be rewarded subsidy of USD$100 for their efforts.
Application Deadline
31 May 2014
Application Submission
Completed application form or enquiries should be sent to [email protected].
For further information
Please visit the website or contact [email protected]
1. Application Form
2. Accommodation Information
3. Preliminary Program and Information