
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] World Class Holiday Work Program in Singapore

[公告] World Class Holiday Work Program in Singapore

Recruit Place & Train Pte Ltd (RPT) is a recruitment agency and has been established since 1998.  RPT is a professional executive placement company that provides job placement, industrial attachment and training services for corporations with special emphasis in the hospitality, tourism and travel, education management and academics and commercial industries.
RPT has had requests from the following hotels for students from NTHU and other top universities in ASEAN:
1)    Marina Mandarin Hotel – 15 Pax
2)    Raffles Hotel Singapore – 47 Pax
3)    Intercontinental Hotel Singapore – 20 Pax
4)    Marriott Hotel Singapore – 20 Pax.
The Holiday Work Programs has two dates of participation that will be appropriate for these types of students:
1)    Session 1 – May – July 2015 – Program – SEA Games Support Marina Mandarin Hotel & Pan Pacific
2)    Session 2 – 3 July – 4 October 2015 – Program for All Hotels
  a.   F-1 Singapore Nite Race – and
  b.   Singapore Great Mooncake Festival
The Students will be primarily doing support for the F&B Departments, and Hotel Departments, and the opportunity to experience in these two fantastic timings of world class events in Singapore (see the Recruitment Ad). The networking and activities will be far more than they would normally expect from a holiday program such as this with so many international guests in Singapore, the Cross Roads of the World.
Procedure for applicants would be as following:
1.  Students to email RPT - [email protected] their CVs for our review
2.  A web cam from RPT to NTHU and interview all the students during one session – one by one
  Assessment criteria will be:
 a.    Language (Comprehension, Speaking and Listening)
 b.    Attitude and response to a set of questions
 c.    General Desire for this program and how they can contribute to the hotel
Within the month of April RPT may have a workshop on site at NTHU (subject to the number of CVs received) for the students and potential students who may want to participate in this program. The students can come from any College within the university and experience this holiday work program.
This work shop will advise the students of the following:
1)    Their benefits and support from the hotels and RPT;
2)    Accommodation costs in a secure educationally oriented Student Hostel in a private college;
3)    What the Employer expects and what the employer wants;
4)    How they will be managed during their time in Singapore.
1.     Gathering of all needed documents for PERMIT Application
2.     Preparing the participants for arrival into Singapore and orientation to the hotels and  our partners
3.     Preparing them for the transition from University to work life and
4.     Settling partcipants in at the accommodation.
NO FEES ARE CHARGED BY RPT or our PARTNERS to the students.
World Class Holiday Work Program in Singapore
Participant Benefits and Terms
[email protected]

