
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2015 CBL International Oxford Summer Institute

[公告] 2015 CBL International Oxford Summer Institute

>> 2015/6/8 UPDATED <<
CBL International Oxford Summer Institute at Oriel College offered 5 scholarships for NTHU students who are interested in joining the programme in August. Each student can pay 1000 GBP less than the official price. If you want to apply for the schloarship, please contact the person below before 6/29(Mon):
[email protected]
CBL International Oxford Summer Institute at Oriel College (OSI) is an exclusive 4-week programme jointly offered by Oriel College (University of Oxford, UK) and CBL International. In fact, OSI is the only summer programme in Oxford focusing on International Law, International Economics, PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics), Academic Writing and English Literature, and Business & Legal English. At OSI, you’ll have the opportunity to meet professors and lecturers from the University of Oxford (UK), University of Cambridge (UK), and carefully selected partner institutions with a strong connection to these two world-class universities. You’ll receive Some attractions that we’ve visited in the past include the City of Cambridge, Bath, Blenheim Palace, Stratford-upon- Avon, Warwick Castle, London, and many more. CBL International Staff Before arriving in Oxford, UK, there will be an intense preparation process and assistance with visa application. Our international and experienced team of Programme Deans and Residential Advisors will provide 24/7 support during your stay in England. seminar-style classes with maximum group sizes of 30 to 40 students to ensure the highest quality of education also delivered by managers or lawyers.
For more information, please find the brochure in the attachement. Also for those who are interested, please fulfill the form in the attachment and send to :
Mr. John Huang, Vice President, CBL international
[email protected]
Application Form
