
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 天下書院法國大使講座-NTHU Global Program Ambassadorial Lecture

[公告] 天下書院法國大使講座-NTHU Global Program Ambassadorial Lecture


講者:法國駐台代表 歐陽勵文
時間:2015年3月3日 星期二14:00-16:00 
地點:旺宏館3樓 遠距教室B
我們印象中的法國,是個充滿美食與美景的浪漫國度。天下書院本學期最新講座帶您探討法國的另一個面向-宗教及言論自由。2015年一月初,在法國「查理週刊」遭受到血腥屠殺後,為何成千上萬的法國人拿著寫著「Je suis Charlie(我是查理)」的布條走上街頭?當您看到人們高舉並且呼喊著「我是查理」的同時,您是否真正的瞭解到背後的意義? 是為了反對伊斯蘭教?是為了抗議恐怖攻擊?還是為了捍衛言論自由?本次講座我們邀請法國駐台代表蒞臨清華,帶您更原汁原味的認識法式的言論與宗教自由。

13:50-14:00 入場
14:10-15:00 演講
15:00-16:00 問答時間
16:00-    活動結束

天下書院(Global Program)
清華大學天下書院在馮達旋前副校長的支持與協助下於2013學年設立。為提升清華學生的國際觀,我們於學期中舉辦讀書會、大使演講、CEO 講座、企業參訪等活動,並期望藉由這些活動的舉辦激起更多師生、同仁們對於全球議題的關心和認識。
粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/nthuglobalprogram
電子信箱: [email protected]
匿名信箱: http://goo.gl/forms/7oUl8cczmN

Speaker: BFT Directeur, M. Olivier Richard 
Time: 14:00-16:00, Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015
Venue: R346, 3F, Macronix Building
France is a glamorous country which usually leaves people the impression -- rich in wonderful views and full of delicious food. In our lecture this time, we would like to present you another aspect France -- French religion and expression freedom. In the beginning of January this year, after the horrifying “Charlie Hebdo attack,” millions of thousands took to the street, holding “Je suis Charlie” sign. Do we really understand the meaning behind this rally? Was it for fighting against the Islamism and tying to repulse the terrorist attack? or for defending the freedom of speech? Through the lecture of BFT Directeur, M. Olivier Richard, we are going to gain a better and genuine understanding about the freedom of expression and religion in France.

13:50-14:00 Start entering the venue
14:10-15:00 Speech
15:00-16:00 Q&A 
16:00-            The end

Registration link: http://ppt.cc/dION
1. Audience is welcome to enter the venue at 13:50.
2. Due to the space limit, we would reject postponed registration when the applications are outnumbered.
Want to know more about us?
Facebook fan page of Global Program: https://www.facebook.com/nthuglobalprogram
E-mail: [email protected]
Anonymous Mailbox: http://goo.gl/forms/7oUl8cczmN


