
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] Call for paper--10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology AEARU第十屆資訊工程與網路科技工作坊

[公告] Call for paper--10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology AEARU第十屆資訊工程與網路科技工作坊


日本筑波大學將於2015225日至27日舉辦10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology,歡迎本校師生踴躍投稿參加!會議期間,所有與會人員均可享有三天食宿全包的落地招待。參會的每位學生,除落地招待外,筑波大學將提供每人五萬日幣整的零用金補助(例,可當作機票補助)。

With reference to the announcement of the 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology (AEARU-CSWT2015), we would like to inform that the deadline for submission of abstract has been extended to November 28, 2014.

We would like to have more faculties and students from overseas to attend the workshop. 
The faculties will be asked to attend the oral session, while students to attend the poster session.
As for financial assistance, local accommodations (3 nights) and meals will be provided by the University of Tsukuba during the workshop period for all participants. For each student participant, the amount of JPY50,000 will be covered by us for overseas travel expenses.

A kind reminder:

Student applicants are required to obtain permission for application from your supervisors whose names and mail addresses should be provided

For more information, please visit :

Deadline: From now on till Nov. 28th, 2014.

-Contact Window
University of Tsukuba :
[email protected]

Workshop Introduction
Paper Template

