
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 日本東京工業大學學位生申請

[公告] 日本東京工業大學學位生申請


The Japanese Government Scholarship programs for those students who are planning on earning their degrees at Tokyo Tech. Successful applicants can start their study from October 2015.

1) Research Student Program
-Inquiries: International Student Exchange Division
([email protected])
-Closing Date: November 21, 2014

For the Research Student Program, students will enter Tokyo Tech as Research Students (non-degree students). They can take an entrance examination during their Research Student status period in order to matriculate as Master's or Doctoral students.

Students from universities which have formal agreements with Tokyo Tech will be given priority consideration for this program.

2) International Graduate Program A [IGP (A)] -URL:http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/graduate_program_a/index.html
-Inquiries: Admissions Division ([email protected]) -Closing Date: December 1, 2014

For the IGP (A), students can directly apply to enroll in the Master's, Doctoral or Integrated Doctoral Programs at Tokyo Tech from abroad. Lectures and seminars for the IGP (A) are conducted in English.

Information on application procedures is described in detail on the corresponding websites given above. Application forms are also available on these websites.
