
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] European Research Council資助研究計畫說明會,歡迎本校師生踴躍報名參加

[公告] European Research Council資助研究計畫說明會,歡迎本校師生踴躍報名參加


歐洲研究協會(European Research Council)秘書長 Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell將於101年7月10日來訪,並於當日舉辦「ERC 資助研究計畫說明會」,歡迎有興趣至歐洲進行研究之博士生、助理教授、副教授及教授踴躍報名參加。

講者:Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell, ERC Secretary General
時間:101年7月10日 (星期二) 11:00~12:00  (10:40~11:00開始進場就座)
報名方式:請點選下列連結進行線上報名( http://oga.nthu.edu.tw/activities.php?id=29)

ERC funding scheme are briefly outlined below:
* to work on a research topic of own choice (ANY TOPICS), with a team of own choice
* to gain true financial autonomy for 5 years
* to negotiate with the host institution the best conditions of work
* to attract top team members (EU and non-EU) and collaborators
* to move with the grant to any place in Europe if necessary (portability
of grants)
* to attract additional funding and gain recognition; ERC is a quality label

Two major funding scheme from the ERC are the STARTING Grant and the ADVANCE Grant.
Starting Grant:
Attract/retain next-generation leaders (2-12 years after PhD) Up to € 2 Million for 5 years € 500 000 ‘set up’ funds for those moving from overseas

Advanced Grant
‧ Attract/retain current world-leaders
‧ Up to € 3.5 Million for 5 years
€ 1 Million ‘set up’ funds for those moving from overseas

活動聯絡人:國際合作組 陳欣怡小姐
聯絡Email: [email protected]

Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell 簡歷
