The UMAP Summer Program is a special summer program provided by UMAP.
Place and content of the program differs every year depending on the organizer of the program.
The UMAP Summer Program 2017 is to be held in Japan, hosted by UMAP Japan National Committee, Niigata University and Toyo University.
1. Dates: August 14 -August 27, 2017
2. Venues: Toyo University, Tokyo / Niigata University, Niigata
3. Theme of the UMAP Summer Program 2017: Doors to Japan
-History and Presence of Japanese Culture, Society and the Environment-
4. Program Fees: 40,000 JPY
Included: Tuition fees, Accommodation, Activity fees, Welcome/ Farewell ceremonies.
Participants need to pay:
- Round trip airfare to Tokyo and ground transportation between airport and I-House / Tokyo station
- Meals except for welcome/ farewell party
- Oversea travel insurance
- Souvenir
- Oversea remittance fee for program fee.
*Program Fee is discounted by the financial assistance from UMAP Japan National Committee, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), Niigata University and Toyo University.
Actual program fee is 120,000JPY but JASSO provides 80,000JPY to each participant. Therefore, participants need to pay 40,000JPY by 30th June, 2017 (please refer to 16.Dates to
5. Dates to remember:
- Deadline of Application Submission 12:00pm, 31st May, 2017 (mail the application form to Ms. Lin)
- Announcement of Accepted Applicants 16th June, 2017
- Deadline of Payment 30th June, 2017
** For more information please visit here:
** Downloads:
1. Program Overview
2. Program Overview Appendix
3. Application Procedures for students
4. UMAP-Summer-Program-Application-Form-for-Students
**Contact Window in NTHU:
Ms. Lin
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Tel: +886-3-5715131 Ext.33428
E-mail: [email protected]