
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 AEARU Winter Abroad Program (Yonsei University 韓國延世大學)

[公告] 2018 AEARU Winter Abroad Program (Yonsei University 韓國延世大學)


2018 AEARU Winter Abroad Program (Yonsei University 韓國延世大學)

韓國頂尖大學之一 「延世大學」之冬季營隊開放報名囉! 歡迎所有學生自行報名參加,若符合學校推薦者也歡迎向全球處報名爭取獎學金基會,創造屬於自己的美好回憶。

Learn more on Official Website

Title:                Winter Abroad at Yonsei (WAY)
Location:          Yonsei University, Main Sinchon Campus
Organized by:  Yonsei University Office of International Affairs
Size:                 Approximately 300 student participants
Language:        English

Yonsei University offers a 6-week winter program at its Sinchon campus for international students who would like to enjoy the winter in Seoul.
The winter program is composed of two separate 3-week sessions, with intensive morning coursework and unique afternoon Korean language and Taekwondo classes. At the weekend, students can enjoy Korean winter activities. It will be an excellent opportunity to catch up with your coursework, meeting professors in an intimate setting, and to enjoy the companionship of students from all over the world.

Session 1: 181227-190117
Session 2: 190121-190213

Couses and Syllabus
Please see get to the official website 

How to Apply

I. 學生自行報名

Winter Abroad at Yonsei is open to all students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university as well as high school seniors who have been accepted to an accredited university.
Program Fee
around KRW 900,000 + optional expenses nearly KRW  810,000 for housing, ski trip, DMZ trip and cooking class

Allowed Program period 
Session 1: 181227-190117
Session 2: 190121-190213

II. 由清華大學推薦參加  Only ONE place!! Program Details (Download)
- 清華大學107學年度為大二(含)以上學生身份
- GPA平均成績 3.00 以上 
Program Fee
Yonsei will cover the application fee, tuition fee 50% for the selected students.
around KRW 400,000 + optional expenses nearly KRW  810,000 for housing, ski trip, DMZ trip and cooking class

Allowed Program period 
Session 1: 181227-190117 only
*** 請注意107上學期期末考時間為 1月7日至1月11日,欲參加同學請自行與課程老師及助教確認是否可提前完成期末考試 ** 

Important Dates:
NTHU Application deadline: 5pm Oct 1st, 2018 
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure*
Host U Application deadline: Oct 16, 2018


Step 1 - Finish On-line Application Form (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents
(1) NTHU Application Form (Download)
(2) Official Transcript (English version)
(3) English Proficiency Certificate 
(4) Photocopy of passport
(5) Supporting materials
Step 3 - Email  
- Please email ONE pdf file of all documents to [email protected] 
- Kindly state email subject “2018 AEARU WAP and your PDF filename as “王大明 DAMIN, WANG
Step 4 - Hand In 
- Please bring the hard copy of (1) NTHU Application Form to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building, Office Hour: 8:30am - midday, 1pm-5pm)
All steps above should be finished by 5pm Oct 1st, 2018 
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure**

Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: [email protected]
Attention: Tess Wu

2. 活動結束後,繳交個人心得報告乙份 (中英文皆可, 250-500,附照片佳)

- 應屆畢業生若於營隊活動日期之前畢業,應檢附「清華大學研究所網路報到證明」或「延畢相關證明」始能報名。
- 建議大學部三年級學生把握最後一年的冬季營隊機會喔!
- 未來有意報名外國夏季/冬季課程者,建議提早準備英語能力考試,以免後悔莫及。

