2018 UMAP Super Short-Term Programs (SSTP) Program C (亞太大學交流會暑期超短期交換計畫課程)
此次所有亞太地區國家開課學校清單請見 UMAP Program C (Click) Update Program List
菲律賓(Republic of the Philippines)、泰國(Thailand)、越南(Vietnam)等地區,還有第二波營隊受理報名中喔! 6月6日截止。
Program C are short-term (one to eight-week long) programs offered by UMAP affiliated universities.
Programs are generally offered between July and September, and are available in a wide range of disciplines:
cultural studies, language proficiency courses, vocational training, entrepreneurship, and more.
The UMAP National Secretariat in each member country/territory acts as the coordinator for UMAP affiliated universities participating in Program C.
More specifically, it collects information about the courses and assists UMAP in promoting the courses.
Students apply for Program C using UMAP’s application form for Program C. Universities offering Program C may charge or waive tuition fees for students coming from UMAP affiliated universities in other countries/territories. Participating universities decide whether or not to offer credits for Program C. If credits are offered, they can be transferred using the UCTS.
General Eligibility for Summer Program 2018
- Must be students of UMAP full member universities/institutions
(Countries/territories that are eligible for application include Bangladesh, Brunei, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam; For Thailand, only students from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok University, and KMUTT are eligible to apply)
- Ages preferably between 18-23 years old, as of April 1, 2018
- English Proficiency scores for non-native English-speaking applicants
(IELTS: overall score of 5.0// TOEFL: overall score of 61 iBT/ 173 CBT/ 500 PBT// TOEIC: overall Score of 650 or Other English Proficiency Test which is equivalent to the test mentioned above)
- Submission of 250-word statement of purpose, together with a letter of nomination from a home university.
- Must be willing to partake in and contribute to all lectures and activities of the UMAP Discovery Camp 2018.
- Be physically fit to travel and able to engage in all activities such as walking and bike-riding
- Must be responsible for own expenses for travel arrangements to host university, travel and medical insurance
Step 1 準備資料並email
1. NTHU Application form
2. UMAP Application form
3. Copy of Passport
4. English Language Proficiency Test Score
5. Other host U required documents and supporting materials
以上所有文件存成一個PDF檔+UMAP Application form.doc(x) WORD檔案寄至 [email protected]
信件標題請註明: UMAP Program C_XX(國家) XX(host University)_OO系所OOO,內文並請註明該營隊實際截止日日期
Step 2 填寫google表單並繳交紙本
至線上Google 表單 (Click) 填寫資料並將上述 NTHU Application form 繳至全球事務處綜合事務組 (行政大樓111室)
NTHU deadline: 2 May,2018 for host university deadline 8 May, 2018
NTHU deadline: 6 Jun,2018 for host university deadline 17 Jun, 2018
The NTHU internal selection will take 5-7 working days. Please keep the deadline in mind!
NTHU coordinator, Tess, will notify NTHU nominated students and submit students' application documents to UMAP.
NTHU internal selection (5-7 working days) → UMAP nomination → Final selection by Host U → Get Addmission
*Notice to Students: please DO NOT SEND your applications directly to the UMAP International Secretariat! We will not accept them from students. I
nstead, please contact Tess Wu at NTHU. If you do not know the person, please inquire the person in charge of the International Student Exchange at your home university.
NTHU (Home University) Coordinator, Tess Wu
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428
E-mail: [email protected]
Must see the following important files before applying
- Application Procedure Chat
- Application timeline
- Inform Letter
權利與義務 經清華大學推薦參與營隊,須全程參與活動,不得缺課、無故離席