[公告] 2018 SHUJITSU U 日本就実大学 Summer Program (SSP)
2018 Shujitsu Summer Program (SSP)
日本岡山 - 就実大学 提供暑期營隊,住宿與學費優免喔!!
This program is designed for students who are interested in Japan and Japanese culture.
Students can have various learning experiences through Japanese classes, short lectures and visits to local and regional sightseeing spots.
Most program participation fees and local travel expenses will be provided by Shujitsu University and Shujitsu Junior College.
- Knowledge about Japanese culture can be attained through experiences and visits. (Tea ceremony, Japanese shrines, gardens, castles, etc.)
- Housing in a dormitory
- Basic Japanese classes (other lectures/tours will be provided in English).
- Many chances to form friendships while cooperating with local and international university students.
Program period: August 19 to August 26, 2018
NTHU Application deadline: May 15, 2018
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure*
Shujitsu U Application deadline: May 31, 2018
Number of participants: 20 students (from among our partner institutions)
Participation and number of possible applicants from each partner institution:
- One student from each of our partner institutions is assured a participation slot. (不含在職專班及應屆畢業生,擬於107學年度於本校繼續就讀下一學位者不在此限,請檢附相關證明文件)
- Each partner institution may recommend up to 3 participants
- Participants will be chosen based on their application materials
- Depending on the number of applicants and the selection process, each institution may be able to send more than one participant.
- Results will be sent out approximately by the middle of June
Fees provided by Shujitsu University and Shujtsu Junior College:
- Most program participation and transportation fees
- Japanese class fees
- Dorm fees (August 19 until the morning of August 26)
- 2 meals at welcome and farewell luncheons and 3 meals (lunches) during visits
Student financial responsibilities:
- Travel to and from country of origin/full-time institution and Japan
- Travel expenses within Japan to and from point/port of entry and Shujitsu University and Junior College
- Free-day/time activities
- Other personal expenses (most meals, daily necessities, etc.)
Step 1 - Finish On-line Application Form (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents
(2) Shujitsu U Application Form for admission with photo (
(3) English Proficiency Certificate
(4) Copy of English test results (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, etc.) showing level of English ability
(5) Photocopy of passport
(6) Official transcript (with GPA)
(7) Letter of recommendation signed recommendation on NTHU letterhead (PDF format)
請告知為妳/你寫推薦信的老師務必使用清華大學抬頭格式,可以列印後簽名掃描或使用電子簽字章 (各單位系所皆備有該系所清華抬頭信紙,或至
(8) Supporting materials
Step 3 - Email
- Kindly state email subject and name the pdf file " 2018 SSP - XX(department) XX (name)
Step 4 - Hand In
- Please bring the hard copy of (1) NTHU Application Form to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building)
All steps above should been finished by 5pm May 15, 2018
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure**
Internal nomination procedure will be finished by May 18.
Nominated students should provide completed "Medical Exam Form" and insurance proof per SHUJITSU U request in Check List to Tess Wu by May 29.
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428
Attention: Tess Wu
1. 僅代表清華大學參與營隊,須全程參與活動,不得缺課、無故離席
2. 活動結束後,繳交個人心得報告乙份 (中英文皆可, 250-500字,附照片佳)