
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 The AEARU STEM Summer Camp Program (PKU)

[公告] 2018 The AEARU STEM Summer Camp Program (PKU)


 2018 The AEARU STEM Summer Camp Program (PKU)
The AEARU STEM Summer Camp 2018 will provide an exciting learning experience for the students from AEARU member universities, connecting them with their peers from around the world.
The Camp will be hosted by Peking University in Beijing, China. Courses will be focusing on the frontier knowledge of Computer Science and Engineering. Both undergraduates and graduate students are welcome to apply.

Course Name


Deep Learning

July 3 - 8

Computational Social Science

July 2 - 12

Probabilistic Models for Structured Data

July 2 - 13

Machine Learning in Computer Vision

July 2 - 15

Foundations of Big Data Systems

July 9 – 15

Biometric Authentication: System and Application

July 9 – 22

Health Informatics — Big Data Approach

July 14 – 20

Compact Data Structures for Big Data

July 15 – 22

Economics and Computation

July 16 – 25

Design Informatics

July 16-27

Becoming a Medtech Entrepreneur -- What is Biodesign?

July 16-27

Machine Learning for Time Series Analysis – Statistical Models and Deep Learning

July 23 – 27

Data Management for Big Data Analytics

July 23-31

Computer Ethics

July 23 – August 3

Computation, Economics and Data Science

July 23- August 3

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

July 25- August 5

Computational Game Theory

July 31-Aug 10

For details, please find the Syllabus Frontier Courses (Download)
Sometimes, course(s) might be cancelled if the number of enrolled students is below the minimum requirement. In such case, the affected student(s) can choose another course or withdraw from the program. The confirmed list of courses to be provided before May 31, 2018. 

About the Program
Dates: Session A: July 1 to July 14, Session B: July 15 to July 28, Extension: July 29-Aug 4 
Venues: Peking University
1. The tuition fee is WAIVED for up to FOUR nominated AEARU students.
2. Accommodation standard fee (RMB 150/day), Travel, meals, and other personal expenses
Accomodation dails:
Session A: July 1 to July 14 (Check-out Date, July 14)    Rate: RMB 150 per person per day
Session B: July 15 to July 28 (Check-out Date, July 28)  Rate: RMB 150 per person per day
Extension: July 29-Aug 4 (Check-out Date, Aug 4)   Rate: RMB 150 per person per day

** PKU can offer up to TWO places of FREE accommodation for the period from July 15 to July 28, 2018 (based on the nomination of the home university) **

- Be between the ages of 18 and 40 (inclusive) and be in good health;
- Be currently a full-time registered NTHU undergraduates and graduate students
- Have proof of English proficiency
- Minimum GPA requirement of 3.0

Important Dates
 - Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
 - On-line Application for Nominated Students Deadline: May 15, 2018
 - Confirmed List of Courses Deadline: May 31, 2018
 - Admission Notification: Estimated May 22-29, 2018

1. Finish On-line Application Form for NTHU (Click)
2. Application Form (Download)
3. English Proficiency Certificate
4. Official transcripts of all semesters
5. Supporting materials
 *Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure **

 - 請於2018年 4月30日 下午5點前 一份PDF檔備妥文件(2)~(5), mail至 [email protected]
 - 來信主旨標明 " 2018 The AEARU Summer Camp 15-28 July (PKU) - XX(系所) XX (姓名) “
 - 並將文件(2)Application Form 紙本, 送至行政大樓1樓全球處綜事組, 111室 

 About PKU and AEARU (Click)
 PKU Course Info (Click) **AEARU students are eligibal for choosing the Frontier Courses**
 Syllabus PDF (Frontier Courses) (Download)

 Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428 
E-mail: [email protected]
Attn: Tess Wu
