
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 韓國中央大學 Chung-Ang University(CAU) International Summer Program (3月30日截止)

[公告] 2018 韓國中央大學 Chung-Ang University(CAU) International Summer Program (3月30日截止)


Chung-Ang University's  International Summer Program (ISP) is a hybrid program providing students with a window into Korea, where courses are coupled with cultural experiences that foster an understanding of Korea's Culture and Society. The program is broken into two sessions, Session 1 and Session 2. Session 1 will provide students with 9 transferable credits while Session 2 will provide students with 5 transferable credits.

Program Period

Program Schedule
Session 1
February 5 - May 7
June 24 - July 21
Session 2
February 5 - May 13
July 31 - August 19

Program Tuition Fee Information

Please click here
* 50% tuition waiver for the students from partner universities.
* Payment must be made in USD.

Course Information
Session 1

Session 2

Other things
Starting this year, students are required to take a TB test in order to live inside the dormitories. You should get this test done in your own country and submit the results before you arrive in Korea.

More information :http://oia.cau.ac.kr
2018 International Summer Program Brochure Download

欲申請校內推薦甄選者,請於2018年3月30日下午5點前,繳交下列文件至全球處綜合事務組 :
1. 至線上申請連結填寫相關資料(請由此連結
2. 校內申請表 (請由此下載,並註明欲參加之Session場次)
3. 歷年成績單
4. 英文能力證明
5. 其他助審資料

Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: [email protected]
