
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 德國達姆斯特塔工業大學 Technische Universität Darmstadt (3月22日截止)

[公告] 2018 德國達姆斯特塔工業大學 Technische Universität Darmstadt (3月22日截止)


Technische Universität Darmstadt will be holding a Summer Programme in 2018 again. It will take place from July 01 to July 28, 2018 for undergraduate students from  partner universities. The Summer Programme invites Undergraduate students from Engineering Degree Programmes to explore German Engineering and get an insight into the German language and culture.

Programme Date :
Arrival day: Sunday, July 1, 2018
Course start dates: July 2 – 27, 2018
Departure day: Saturday, July 28, 2018

Programme Course : 
The International Summer School Programme consists of four components:
1. Engineering Courses, Workshops (Automotive Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Production Engineering) and Excursions to German companies
2. Intensive German Language Courses on A1, A2 and B1 level
3. Intercultural Competence Training on Working and Studying in Germany
4. Social Programme and Excursions

Discounted fee - € 1,750 for NTHU students
Including: accommodation, course materials, company visits,social activities & excursions, public transportation ticket,insurances & student services.
Travelling and living expenses will need to be covered by the participants.

Admission Requirements:
The applicant must
• be currently enrolled and remain enrolled throughout the programme in an undergraduate programme at one of the partner universities of TU Darmstadt
• have a profound interest in engineering topics
be nominated by his/her home university to apply to the summer school programme.
• Language: The programme language is taught in English. German language skills are not necessary for acceptance. Communication throughout the programme is also in English.

1. An informal nomination by the international office of the partner university
2. Students will then need to fill in the application form  including the following items: 
(1) Finish On-line Application Form: Click here
(2) Application Form 1  (Download)
(3) Application Form for TU Darmstadt (Download)
(4) CV (short)
(5) Copy of passport
(6) Transcript of records
(7) Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
(8) Supporting Materials

以一份PDF檔案備妥上述文件(2)~(7), mail至 [email protected] ( 主旨標明 "2018TU Darmstadt Summer School - XX(系所) XX (姓名)
--- 並另將文件 Application Form 1 紙本, 送至行政大樓一樓 全球處綜合事務組

Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: [email protected]

 More information on the TU Darmstadt website: https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/summerschool

Summer School 2018 TU Darmstadt
Programme Summer School 2018 TU Darmstadt
Syllabus Summer School 2018 TU Darmstadt

