Tohoku University Engineering Summer Program 2018
東北大學(日本) TOHOKU UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING SUMMER PROGRAM 2018 Structural Materials Engineering Course
TESP-SMEC is a two-week summer program for graduate students providing a series of graduate level lectures and hands-on activities in laboratory. All will be taught in English by experienced professors of the Graduate School of Engineering.
I. Program Contents
The program offers two-week intensive activities that are characterized by four components: core lectures, hands-on activities in laboratory, cultural activities such as Kimono dressing and tea ceremony, and a field trip. This year, participants also have chance to enjoy a local festival of Sendai city “Tanabata”.
II. Program Length
July 30th – August 10th
---Graduate level student
---Fluent in English
---Background knowledge
---10 seats
IV. Program Fee
---80,000 JPY
The fee covers tuition, accommodation, cultural activities, field trip, industrial visit and parties.
--- Participants are responsible for meals , local transportation from hotel to campus and airfare.
V. Accommodation
Hotel accommodation in downtown will be arranged. Participants will commute to the campus by subway at their own expense.
JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) Scholarship may be awarded to those who meet the requirements. Please see more information here.
VII. Application
--- Submit required documents to [email protected] before 12:00 PM, March 30, 2018
--- Office of General Affairs will provide nominators the online application link for TOHOKU around April 9th then nominators finish TOHOKU online application before 15:00 (JST), April 27th, 2018.
--- Admission is determined solely by the discretion of Tohoku University.
VIII. Required documents (for nomination)
(1) Finish On-line Application Form for NTHU:
(2) Application Form for NTHU
(3) Academic Transcript (English Version)
(4) Photocopy of Passport Identification Page (Page with your photo and name)
(5) JASSO Scholarship Application Form (with hand-written signature) *only needed if you want to apply
(6) Supporting materials
--- 請於2018年3月30日中午12點前
--- 以一份PDF檔案備妥文件(2)~(6), mail至 [email protected]
--- 主旨標明 " TOHOKU UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING SUMMER PROGRAM 2018 Structural Materials Engineering Course - XX(系所) XX (姓名)
--- 並另將文件 Application Form紙本, 送至行政大樓一樓 全球處綜事組
IX. References
---TESP2018 Application Guide_SMEC
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: [email protected]