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最新消息 > [公告] 2018 首都大學東京 Tokyo Metropolitan University Japanese Summer Program (4月16日截止)
[公告] 2018 首都大學東京 Tokyo Metropolitan University Japanese Summer Program (4月16日截止)
TMU Japanese Summer Program 2018
首都大學東京 Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) offers a 3-week Japanese summer course in 2018. The program aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture.
Students will develop their language skills, experience both traditional and pop culture in Japan, and increase their understanding of the Japanese society.
I. Program Contents
The 3-week program consists of 51 hours of Japanese language class including project work, 6 hours of Japan Studies and 12 hours of field trips.
** Language of instruction is Japanse
II. Program Length
July 10 -- July 28 , 2018
III. Japanese Class Level
--- Intermediate level (JLPT N3, or J-CAT score around 150-250)
IV. Number of Participants
36 students (12 for each class)
V. Program Fee
---105,000 JPY
This program fee includes accommodation (18 nights), textbooks and field trips.
--- Not included in the program fee are meals, airfare, travel insurance
transportation between the University and accommodation, and daily expenses after arriving in Japan.
VI. Accommodation
Hashimoto Park Hotel (Check-in: July10 ; Check-out: July 28)
VII. Application
--- Submit required documents to
[email protected] before 17:00, April 16, 2018
--- It is mandatory for the participants to attend the program from July10 to July28.
--- Application directly sent to TMU by students will not be acceptable.
--- Announcement of the Application Result: May 8, 2018
--- Payment Deadline: May 18, 2018
VIII. Required documents
(3) Application Form 2 for TMU Japanese Summer Program
(4) Pre-course Questionnaire for TMU Japanese Summer Program 2018
(5) Official transcript
(6) A copy of the photo page of your passport
(7) J-CAT score sheet during the period of February to April 2018
(8) Visa support request form (If necessary)
(9) Supporting materials
--- 請於2018年4月16日下午5點前
--- 主旨標明 "2018TMU Japanese Summer Program- XX(系所) XX (姓名)
--- 並另將文件 Application Form 1紙本, 送至行政大樓一樓 全球處綜事組
IX. References
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs