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[公告] SMU Global Summer Programme 2018 - Asian Insights
The programme has grown to over 170 students from 33 nationalities in its third run in 2017. Moving forward, the 2018 programme will offer you new insights and perspectives on trends and developments in Asia.
The application period for the programme is from now until 30 March 2018.
You may apply for one or two courses.
For two courses, pick a maximum of one course from any two Clusters.
For one course, choose from either Cluster 1, 2 or 3.
For each course, there will be three lessons per week for a total
of four weeks.
Cluster 1: 0815-1130hrs
Asia Pacific Business
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Capital Markets in China
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Innovation for Asia's Smart Cities
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Managing Customer Relations with Analytics: Asian Insights Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Cluster 2: 1200-1515hrs
Asian Family Businesses
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Economics of Ageing in Asia
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Global Megatrends: Opportunities and Challenges for Asia Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Asia Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Cluster 3: 1530-1845hrs
Religions in Asia
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
People/Places/Practices - The Changing Art World in Asia Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Smart Healthcare in Asia
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
The Law and Information Technology in Asia Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
GSP 2018 Course Fees
· The course fees are shown in the table below.
· In the event that there are 10 or more of our students signing up
for the programme, SMU would be offering a 10% discount for all our students.
Should you have any queries about the programme, please email SMU at
[email protected]