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[公告] The 7th AEARU Environmental Workshop
Tsinghua University(北京) is going to host “The 7th AEARU Environmental Workshop” in March 2018.
The workshop will be held on March 24 (Saturday) in conjunction with “The 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT).
Tsinghua University (北京) invites up to 3 participants from each AEARU member university.
Registration fee for “The 7th AEARU Environmental Workshop” will cover meals and two-night accommodations.
March 21-24, 2018
1. Target population: master/postgraduate, Phd candidate, postdoc and faculty
2. Tsinghua University (北京) encourages all participants to submit one-page abstract due February 10.
3. The submitted abstract will be reviewed and allowed for presentation.
4. For those who do NOT submit any abstract, but get the permission to attend the workshop, may also likely be asked to give presentation.
5. All the presentation and abstract/paper will be required to fit well for the scope of "resource flow and its environmental impact."
6. The time length for each speak will approximately be 20 minutes for high level experts/professor, and 10-15 minutes for students/postdoc.
7. Certificates may well be given to the young postgraduate and postdocs after the votes from some professors.
請有興趣的同學於2018 年2月7日下午5點前,備齊 1-
校內報名表 、2-護照和台胞證影本、3-英文檢定影本、4-校內學期成績單(英文版),5-其他有利文件 並將所有文件掃描成一個 PDF檔寄至 Email:
[email protected] (全球處綜事組 周芳儀小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名 The 7th AEARU Environmental Workshop