本校日前已和土耳其科克大學(Koc University)簽署Erasmus+ Program Agreement,該計畫提供本校教師至該校短期訪問暨教學,歡迎本校教師踴躍申請。
訪問時間:7週 (2018年6月25日~2018年8月10日)
申請文件: CV、Teaching Plan for 7 Weeks, Course Syllabus at NTHU
Erasmus+ Program補助:如獲評選核可,可能獲得機票補助款1,100歐元。
Koç University support for incoming scholars will include:
•Orientation and Campus Tour
•Accommodation at no cost (subject to availability)
•Meal Card (will be provided separately or covered within honorarium)
•All campus facilities (labs, research centers, library, indoor/outdoor swimming pool, dining services, shuttles etc)
•Please see our campus environment at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPWvMHmkhcU
1. 請有興趣至科克大學短期訪問之教師須先找好該校願意接待的教師,並在Teaching Plan中註明該接待老師之基本資料(含姓名、職稱、系所、電話、電子郵件等)。
Incoming Mobility Guidelines:
2. Teaching Plan 無制式表格,請有意申請之教師與該校接待教師自由撰寫即可。
3. 在科克大學期間之授課時數規定:
Each incoming faculty member is expected to give one lecture a day (1 hour 50 mins) from Monday to Thursday, which is equal to approximately 7 hours a week. The language of instruction at Koc University is English and all the courses will be open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
請欲申請之教師於106年12月13日(三)前將申請文件Email至本校承辦人信箱 ([email protected]) ,經彙整後交由該校評選,本組將另以電子郵件通知各申請者該評選結果,謝謝!
Ms. Arzu Yilmaz
Exchange Programs and Partnerships Specialist
Office of International Programs
Koç Üniversitesi
Rumelifeneri Yolu 34450, Sarıyer İstanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 549 724 7724
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]