
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] NTU GEM T Summer 2017

[公告] NTU GEM T Summer 2017


新加坡南洋理工大學summer program

Program period
Term 1 – 8 May – 16 June 2017 (3/22報名截止)
Term 2 – 19 June – 28 July 2017 (3/29報名截止)

Study Level
Undergraduate or Non-Humanities/ Business graduate students

Summer Programme
Track1: Chinese Language & Cultural Studies:
•Available for Summer Term 2: 3-28 July 2017

Track2: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Asia:
•Available for Summer Term 1: 15 May to 16 June 2017
•Available for Summer Term 2: 26 June to 28 July 2017

Track3: Creative Design & Media
•Available for Summer Term 2: 3- 28 July 2017

Track4: Success in the Globalised Marketplace
•Available for Summer Term 1: 8 May to 16 June 2017
•Available for Summer Term 2: 19 June to 28 July 2017

Track5: NewTechnologies,New World
•Available for Summer Term 2: 3- 28 July 2017

English Proficiency

General Paper of the Singapore/ Cambridge GCE 'A' Level Examination (sat in 2007 onwards): A, B, C, D, E
•General Paper of the Singapore Cambridge GCE 'A' Level Examination (sat in 2006 or earlier): A1, A2, B3, B4, C5, C6
•IELTS: A minimum of 6 for the Writing sub-test
•TOEFL: A minimum of 570 (paper) or 90 (internet) or 237 (computer)
•SAT1: A minimum of 600 for the Verbal section; or 7 for the Essay section
•IB: A minimum of four (4) for Higher Level English or four (4) for Standard Level English
•MUET: Band 6 and a minimum of 50 for writing
•GEPT: High inter mediate Stage 2 consisting of writing and speaking modules (applies to students from Taiwan universities only)

Course Cancellation
A summer course will be cancelled if there are fewer than 10 registrations by 8 May 2017

請有興趣的同學於上述截止日期前,備齊1-校內報名表(英文書寫)、2-英文檢定影本、3-校內學期英文成績單、4-護照影本、5- ID photos 4cm×3cm(JPEG 檔),將以上文件存成PDF檔寄至[email protected] (全球處綜事組/ 章小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名NTU GEM T Summer 2017,並於信件內容說明要報名的Program period及課程項目
