
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]Shinkishi Hatai International Marine Biology Course, 5–13th July 2017

[公告]Shinkishi Hatai International Marine Biology Course, 5–13th July 2017

Shinkishi Hatai International Marine Biology Course, 5–13th July 2017
The Research Center for Marine Biology (RCMB), Tohoku University is going to hold the
Shinkishi Hatai International Marine Biology Course from July 5th to July 13th, 2017.
The course is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring in or plan
to major in biology, life science, and related fields, with particular focus on marine
biology to provide experiences with basic experiments and practices. Half of the participants
will be Japanese students; therefore, it will be a good opportunity to deepen exchanges
with each other. We regard this course as a unique opportunity for participants to learn
about marine biology and specific techniques. Experience with handling marine organism
is not necessary, but welcome.
The course is open for undergraduate and graduate students (approx. 15 in total) from any
institute, who major in or have an interest in biology and related fields. If the number
of applicants exceeds our hosting capacity, we may have to decline applications. Experience
in handling marine animals is not necessary, but welcome. Accommodations and meals are
available at a reasonable rate at the center’s dormitory (for details see center’s website:
For Users). We are unable to support your travel expenses; however, we will work to assist
you in obtaining travel subsidies.




1.Please send an e-mail to the following address with your intention to participate in
the course and the specific project you want to participate in by 31st March 2017. An early
notice of your intention to participate will optimize in preparing for individual projects.
E-mail address: shimbc2017(at)grp.tohoku.ac.jp [Please change (at) to @]
2.When we receive your e-mail, we will send an application form with additional information
about the course, accommodations, and so on.

Program information

Organizing committee:
Dr. Keiichiro Kyozuka (Chairperson)
Dr. Gaku Kumano
Dr. Shinta Fujimoto
