○Program Contents
The 4-week program consists of 51 hours of Japanese language study, 6 hours of Japan Studies, and 12 hours of field trips.
○Program Length
July 5 – 27, 2017
○Japanese Class Level(3 levels)
Survival Japanese class (total beginner)-For those who are about to learn Japanese for the first time.
Beginners’ class-For those who can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.(JLPT N5; CEFR A1)
Pre-intermediate class-For those who can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information.(JLPT N4 preparatory level; CEFR A2-B1)
○Eligible Participants
Undergraduate or graduate students from our partner universities with student exchange agreements who can fully attend the program
○Number of Participants
36 students (12 for each class) 本校將甄選2位同學參加
○Program Fee
124,900 JPY
This program fee includes accommodation fee (24nights) and a part of admission fee for field trips. Not included in the program fee are meals, airfare, travel insurance, other expenses incurred by field-trips (about 1,500JPY for transportation and admission expenses), textbooks(about 2,500 JPY), transportation between the University and accommodation, and daily expenses after arriving in Japan.
Hashimoto Park Hotel (Check-in: July4, Check-out: July28)
JASSO Scholarship is not available for this program.
日本東京首都大學夏季課程徵選,歡迎有興趣的學生報名,本校可選送2名學生代表國立清華大學。請於2017年3月31日(星期五)下午5點以前,備齊1-日本課程申請表、2- Pre-course Questionnaire、3-校內報名表、4-校內學期成績單(英文版)、5- ID photos 4cm×3cm(JPEG 檔),並將以上文件存成PDF檔寄至[email protected] (全球處綜事組/ 章小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名2017 TMU Japanese Summer Program