
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]Summer 2017 Nagoya University Short-Term Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP)

[公告]Summer 2017 Nagoya University Short-Term Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP)


Summer 2017 Nagoya University Short-Term Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP)

Program period
July 13 – July 27

1) Applicants should be currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student undergraduate student in a university which has an academic exchange agreement with Nagoya University.
2) Applicants should have an intermediate level of Japanese proficiency (JLPT N2/N3 or CEFR A2/B1).

 Japanese language classes(intermediate)
 Cultural excursions
 Laboratory visits
 Field trips
 Specialized lectures
 Exchange and discussions with Nagoya University students
 Career exploration workshop
 Home Visit (Those who would like to request a home visit)
 Japanese company visit

Nagoya University offers accommodation to all participants

Participation fee
60,000 JPN YEN (includes housing, a part of food expenses and insurance for the period of the program)
*Participants are responsible for travel expenses to/from Nagoya and expenses such as food and daily necessities.

請有興趣的同學於2017年3月4日前,備齊1-校內報名表(中文書寫)、2-日文檢定影本(JLPT N2/N3 or CEFR A2/B1)、3-校內學期成績單(英文版),4-護照影本,5-Japanese Language Learning Questionnaire,6-Home Visit Application Form7-日校報名表(日文書寫)繳交正本文件至全球事務處111室,並須將文件掃描成PDF檔寄至Email:[email protected](全球處綜事組 章佳蕙小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名Summer 2017 Nagoya University Short-term Japanese Program
