UIB Islands Camp
Date:14-23 Feb. 2017
Venue: Universitas Internasional Batam
Language: English
Program Fee: USD 700
Description of the program:
This is a short course program of 10 days in Indonesia. Batam is located in a very strategic location in the Malacca strait that is easily accessed from other countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. The participants will experience the rich diversity of culture in Indonesia during this program.
Purpose of the Program:
This program aims are: to prepare the participants to be the future leader in order to meet the challenges of diversity in globalization era, to enhance the students capability to build the international networking, especially in the ASIA countries. This program increases the international experiences and global communication competency of the participants.
Cost of the Program:
Participants will have to pay USD 700/students. This program covers all the expenses and facilities in the ten days of program. It includes:
-Facilities and Programs Development
-Program Souvenirs
-Transportation from and to Singapore to Batam and nearby Island
-Visa on Arrival
-Buddy during the programs
-Three Times Meals/day
More information for your reference as attachment1,2,3
請有興趣的同學於2017年1月3日前,備齊1-校內報名表、2-護照影本(電子掃描檔,請勿使用拍照)、3-校內學期成績單(英文版)、4-營隊申請表,並須將文件掃描成PDF檔寄至Email:[email protected](全球處綜事組 張立昕小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名UIB Island Camp