
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]廣島大學 Japanese Language and Culture Special Program(Deadline: November 14, 2016)

[公告]廣島大學 Japanese Language and Culture Special Program(Deadline: November 14, 2016)


(winter session - January 14th to January 27th, 2017)

The program consists of language and culture classes in the morning and various activities with students of Hiroshima University in the afternoon.
We have several excursions planned including visiting Peace Memorial Park(A-bomb Dome), Miyajima Island (world heritage site) and an overnight trip to Kyoto. Participants will receive lectures about the historical and geographic background prior to the visits, which will enhance their experiences even more memorable and meaningful.

This program is designed for students with at least one-year of Japanese learning experience, but we also accept very beginners. We will open beginners’ class (size:1 to 5 students) in the morning and some may choose to take those instead of sitting in the lecture (more advanced).


請有興趣的同學於2016年11月14日前將報名資料正本繳交至全球處111室,申請書請以日文版填寫,推薦名簿將由全球處提供給日方,如另有請老師寫日文推薦信也請一併繳交(並無硬性規定),並須將文件掃描成PDF檔寄至 Email:[email protected]

聯絡人:全球處綜事組 張立昕小姐 分機33428 


