
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] The 5th AEARU Development and Collaboration of Asian Business Schools Workshop

[公告] The 5th AEARU Development and Collaboration of Asian Business Schools Workshop


With rapid advances in technology and growing demand for knowledge and innovation, the role of business schools in the eductation and development of top business talents becomes more challenging. What are the impacts that innovation brings to business education, what are the challenges that business schools are facing, and how should business schools foster an effective agenda to respond to the challenges? There are among the most critical questions call for responses from business educators. It also provides students from AEARU member universities a platform to present their academic research findings.

October 22-23(Saturday and Sunday), 2016

Workshop location:
Peking University HSBC Business School, Shenzhen, China

1. Deans, associate and assistant deans, department chairs, and faculty at business school
2. 15 students of business school who will give a poster presentation at the workshop

Fee and Registration:
No registration fee and free hotel for the nights of October 21, and 22, especially providing students financial support including airfare, accommodation and meals.

有興趣報名參加的老師與學生請上http://english.phbs.pku.edu.cn/enroll/index.htm 報名。

如有申請做Poster Presentation的同學請於9/18(五)前提交abstract寄至[email protected] 進行審核。


Workshop承辦單位聯絡人巫小姐[email protected]
校內聯絡人全球處綜事組張小姐[email protected]
