The objective of the course is to enhance both the personal and research effectiveness of students. Students will be exposed to a new learning environment where they will meet people from different disciplines and cultural backgrounds. Subjects covered in the course include planning and management of research, creativity, communication skills, group dynamics, collaborative research and developing self-awareness.
Details of the course are as follows:
Date: March 8-11, 2017 (4-day programme)
Venue: The University of Hong – Kadoorie Centre(HKUKC) Students will be residing at HKUKC throughout the entire course.
Course Fee: Waived
Record of Study: A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to non-HKU students who have successfully completed the course.
Eligibility: Master’s Research Degrees students or MPhil students who are interested in pursuing PhD studies at HKU.
An inclusive fee for the 4-day stay at HKUKC is $1,500, covering meals, accommodation and a round trip between HKU and HKUKC. The student will be asked to pay the fee upon HKU’s confirmation of his/her admission to the course.
香港大學Transferable Research Skills Course 2017,歡迎本校碩士班同學報名,本校可選送2名學生代表國立清華大學參加,通過審核後需自行負擔$1500、交通(機票等)、保險、生活費、簽證費等,9/23(五)申請截止,報名表詳細內容如附件,請有興趣報名的同學於2016年9月23日(星期五)下午5點前,備齊 1-校內報名表、2-護照影本(電子掃描檔,請勿使用拍照)、3-活動申請表、4-英文能力證明(多益、雅思or托福等) 並寄送至[email protected] (全球處綜事組/ 張小姐收)