2016 IEEE English Presentation Competition (Ritsumeikan University Student Branch)
2016 立命館大學 IEEE 學生英語簡報比賽
林O聰 CS/3
陳O博 EE/2
Date: Oct. 7th (Friday)
Venue: Ritsumeikan University Biwako Kusatsu Campus
Organizer: Ritsumeikan University IEEE Students Branch
Presentation Details 比賽內容:
Format: oral presentation 7 min. + 3min. QA
Theme: own research topic
Applicants: graduate course students, undergraduate course students ( should be seniors) 歡迎升大四及研究所學生報名
Condition :
Number of the students: 2 are invited
Accommodation: provided to stay at BKC campus accommodation from Oct 5 to Oct. 8 for free of charge
Flights: round trip tickets from Taoyuen to KIX are provided for free of charge
Meal, Insuarance and extra expenses such as over-weight luggage charge are the students' responsibility.
Ground transportation is also the students' responsibility, however,
RU students will see them at the airport so that they will not be lost or in trouble.
RU students will take care of the invited students from NTHU while they stay on our campus. Of course they can enjoy their extra time for themselves.
Needed documents for the application:
- application sheet
- passport copy
立命館大學IEEE學生英語簡報比賽,歡迎升大四及研究所學生報名,簡報主題自訂(目前研究內容),本校可選送2名學生代表國立清華大學出賽,立命館大學將提供3晚住宿(10/5-10/8)及來回機票,請有興趣報名的學生於2016年8月15日(星期一)下午5點以前,備齊1-校內報名表、2-護照影本(電子掃描檔,請勿使用拍照)、3-活動申請表、4-英文能力證明(多益、雅思or托福等) 並寄送至[email protected] (全球處綜事組/ 吳小姐收)
參考資料: 2015年IEEE比賽行程表