
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 東京工業大學能源與環境工作坊Energy and Environmental Workshop, Tokyo Institute of Technology

[公告] 東京工業大學能源與環境工作坊Energy and Environmental Workshop, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Announcement & Call for Presentations
The 6th Energy and Environmental Workshop:
Next generation solar cells as a solution to energy challenges

[ Call for Participants ] [ Registration Form and Abstract ]
With consideration of recent developments and issues regarding energy-related technologies, the workshop is intended to promote discussion of the impact of such technologies on sustainable social development and the natural environment. We will discuss solar cell-related technology, and particularly, next generation solar cells, which allow the utilization of sunlight to create energy for a sustainable world.
Multi-Purpose Digital Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Important Dates
May 16, 2016 截止日期已延長至5月30日 Submission deadline for registration form and abstracts
June 3, 2016 Notification of acceptance
July 11, 2016 Submission deadline for proceedings manuscripts
August 26-27, 2016 6th AEARU Energy and Environmental Workshop
Financial Support
Tokyo Tech will provide accommodations for two nights, as well as meals and local transportation between Tokyo Tech and the hotel during the workshop, for up to 10 professors and 14 students from AEARU member universities.

有興趣參加的學生,請於5月27日(星期五)下午四點前將報名表電子檔寄至[email protected] 吳怡珊小姐收。

校內承辦人: 吳怡珊
校內分機: 33428
信箱: [email protected]
