2016 Kyungpook National University Global Summer School
The KNU 4-week Global Summer School brings together students and academics from all over the world for a unique intercultural learning experience and special taste of Korean culture. All courses are taught in English and students will take courses with Korean students as well as other participants from all over the world.
- Duration : June 26~ July 23, 2016
- Course : 13 courses are available and each course carries 3 credits(45 contact hours), all the courses are taught in English
- Tuition and Fees
Tuition USD300 Waived for students from partner universities
Registration Fee USD50 Non-refundable
Housing Fee USD350 Including breakfast
Cultural Activities Fee USD400
有興趣之學生請於4月20日以前將前一學期英文成績單及英文CV以電子郵件方式寄至[email protected],(承辦人: 吳怡珊小姐),來信請告知姓名、系所單位、年級及聯絡方式。