
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]日本芝浦工業大學國際課程開放申請,歡迎本校同學報名



1) Sandwich Program for Undergraduate Students
SIT provides Sandwich Program for undergraduate students to take classes taught in English for one or two semester at SIT with tuition waived.
For fall semester which begins in middle of September 2016, the application deadline is May 1st.
You can see the detail of the program including the application form and syllabi from the following URL.


2) Research Exchange Program
(general information of the research exchange program at SIT)


The data of SIT Profs are below for your information.


Contact Window :

芝浦工業大学--村田雄一(Murata Yuichi)
E-mail. [email protected]
Web Site (Japanese): http://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/
