
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]北京大學 工學院 2016全球暑期夏令營

[公告]北京大學 工學院 2016全球暑期夏令營


北京大學 工學院 2016全球暑期夏令營

簡O安 F 化工系大二
葛O函 F 工工系大二

謝O芸 F 材料工程大二

時間: 2016年7月4-23日
地點: 北京大學
簡介: The AEARU summer camp 2016 is based on Globex Julmester, a global summer program hosted by the College of Engineering, Peking University. It provides participants with a study-abroad experience by allowing them to take 1-2 courses over a period of 3 weeks in July and to get 3-6 PKU credits. The program consists of a suite of English-taught courses as well as extracurricular activities. Most courses are engineering-related subjects. There are also courses on economics and China studies open to all majors. For more information, please go to: http://globex.coe.pku.edu.cn/
課程: http://globex.coe.pku.edu.cn/news/list.php?catid=5
費用: Tuition is WAIVED for nominated students from AEARU member universities.
Application fee: RMB 300
Accommodation fee: RMB 60 per day per person for on campus housing
Fieldtrip fees, textbooks and other expenditures (i.e. meals, transportation, visa, insurance, and personal spending etc.) shall be covered by students themselves.
1. 繳交申請文件至全球處
2. 清大推薦兩名學生
3. 北京大學送出推薦信
4. 獲選學生完成線上申請程序
申請文件: 請於2016/03/14(星期一)中午12時以前繳交紙本及電子檔給校內承辦人
1. 校內申請表
2. Summer Camp Application Form
3. 上一學期(1041)成績單影本(中英文皆可)及英文能力證明影本

全球處綜合事務組 吳怡珊小姐
電子信箱: [email protected]

