3-Week Japanese Summer Program
July 12-28, 2016
Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) offers a 3-week Summer Japanese course in 2016. The program aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture. Students will develop their language skills, experience traditional Japanese culture, and increase their understanding of the Japanese society. The 3-week program covers Japanese language study, Japan studies and field trips.
The Japanese language classes at two levels (Beginners’ and Pre-intermediate) are designed for those who have just started learning Japanese or want to accelerate their language study.
Beginners' class: For those who have just started learning Japanese. (JLPT N5 or lower; CEFR A1)
Pre-intermediate class: For those with basic knowledge of Japanese. (JLPT N4 preparatory level; CEFR A2)
130,000 JPY (approx. total cost)
This program cost includes accommodation fee, and education materials.
Not included in the program fee are meals, airfare, travel insurance, field-trips (about 10,000JPY for transportation and admission expenses), transportation between the University and accommodation, and daily expenses.
Downloads: [ Program Flyer-1 ] [ Program Flyer-2] [ Application Form-1] [Application Form-2]
有興趣的學生請於105年4月25日中午12點之前將①Application Form for TMU Japanese Summer Program ②Japanese Language Evaluation Sheet ③A copy of the photo page of your passport* ④Official transcript 四項文件以電子檔方式寄送至本校承辦人信箱,若報名人數超過2名,將以上一學期1041成績做先後順序排名推薦。
校內承辦人: 全球處綜事組吳怡珊小姐
校內分機: 33428
聯絡信箱: [email protected]