"EurasiaCat: Advanced Education European-Asiatic Exchange Programme in Materials Science and Catalysis" is an Erasmus Mundus Action-2 Strand-2 (EMA2/S2) project funded by the European Union. The aim of EURASICAT is to offer multidisciplinary training in designing advanced functional materials and catalytic processes. EURASIACAT is based on a partnership composed of 11 universities (5 from Europe + 6 from Hong Kong / Taiwan / Singapore / Macau). In addition, CSIC, the Spanish Research Council, acts as associated partner. The eleven universities that support this consortium are of a very high academic level, and the academic key persons involved are all well recognized in their respective fields of research.
The main objective of the project is offering scholarships/fellowships at Master, Doctorate, Postdoc and Staff (Academic /Administrative) levels (Undergraduate is NOT supported) to pursue study/research/teaching in the
fields of Chemistry, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. Grantees will receive cutting-edge education in all the research skills required for the design of a catalytic process, being the main objective of EURASICAT multidisciplinary team to rationally design functional materials and the processes in which they are involved, which include: synthesis and characterization of advanced nano-engineered materials, advanced spectroscopic characterization, theoretical studies to uncover reaction/adsorption mechanisms and kinetics, and process & reactor design.
The second call for EurasiaCat Erasmus Mundus scholarships for Ms and PhD students in Europe and Asia is now available.
Applicants are now invited to apply online: https://sites.google.com/site/emeurasiacat/call
Academic offer available at: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxlbWV1cmFzaWFjYXR8Z3g6NGM4MjUwOTlmYzI4YTg1MQ
Further information can be found at EurasiaCat website:
化學系 楊家銘教授
website: http://chem-en.web.nthu.edu.tw/files/13-1117-33477.php
email: [email protected]