
首頁 > 最新消息 > [國際交流]倫敦瑪麗王后大學Postgraduate Research Studentships

[國際交流]倫敦瑪麗王后大學Postgraduate Research Studentships


Claim your share of £10million studentship fund
Queen Mary’s Doctoral College is awarding over £10million in studentships to support the most talented and ambitious new researchers. Successful applicants will receive generous studentships to cover fees and living costs in recognition of the vital role that they will play in Queen Mary's lively research community. Self-funded applicants are also welcome to apply for a PhD in any of the areas in which we can offer supervision.
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is part of the 24 strong Russell Group of elite research intensive universities that together attract well over two-thirds of all available research funding in the UK and account for the same proportion of the very best research (‘world-leading’) in the country. QMUL is ranked 9th in the UK for research quality (REF 2014) and in the top 1% of universities in the World (Times Higher Education World University Rankings).

Subject areas
We have around 80 funded PhDs available across a wide range of subject areas including:
• Humanities and Social Sciences
o Business and Management
o Comparative Literature
o Drama
o Economics and Finance
o English
o Environmental Science
o Film
o Geography
o History
o Law
o Languages
o Linguistics
o Politics and International Relations
• Life Sciences
• Science and Engineering
o Bioengineering
o Biological and Chemical Sciences (including Psychology)
o Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
o Engineering and Materials Science
o Mathematical Sciences
o Physics and Astronomy

Many of the studentships we offer are jointly held by more than one academic school, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the research activity across the university.
We are also one of the biggest recipients in the UK of joint PhD scholarships in co-operation with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for 2016 entry. In addition, we have co-funding arrangements in place with a range of other overseas sponsors including DIKTI (Indonesia), Science without Borders (Brazil), CONACYT (Mexico), VIED Project 911 (Vietnam) and the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission.

Application deadlines
To apply for a PhD studentship at Queen Mary, please visit our website and follow the application guidelines. Please note the key deadlines below:
• 7th December 2015: Law studentships
• 31 January 2016: All other QMUL studentships unless specified elsewhere
To find out more and apply for PhDs and studentships, please visit http://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/scholarships
