
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2016熊本大學春季營隊 Kumamoto University 2016 Spring Program (Call for Applications)

[公告] 2016熊本大學春季營隊 Kumamoto University 2016 Spring Program (Call for Applications)


 Kumamoto University 2016 Spring Program (Call for Applications)

The program will be conducted in English, and consists of classroom lectures on Japanese life and culture, Japanese language courses, first-hand cultural learning experiences, and guided educational field trips to famous sites within Kumamoto prefecture. Please see the attached flyer for detailed
All participants who meet the necessary qualifications are eligible to receive a government scholarship worth 80,000 Japanese Yen, provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), for their own personal use.
To be eligible for the scholarship, students must have a GPA greater than or equal to 2.3 (according to the attached JASSO GPA Calculation worksheet), and not receive any other scholarships for this program which exceed 80,000 Japanese Yen. Please note that there are a limited number of scholarships available. Scholarships will be awarded based on the Letter of Recommendation submitted by your university.
The 80,000 yen program fee includes accommodation, class fees, field trip fees, and breakfast. It does not include the cost of transportation to or from Japan, the cost of transportation within Japan, or the cost of meals (other than breakfast) during the program.
Fee payments and scholarship awards will be conducted at Kumamoto University after the participants’ arrival in Japan.

完整資訊請見Program Flyer,請有興趣報名的同學繳交: 1. 報名表 2. 自我推薦信 3.上學期(1032)成績單以電子郵件方式寄至全球侍綜事組承辦人吳怡珊小姐信箱([email protected])主旨請註明: 申請熊本大學春季營-OOO, 請依熊本大學提供的成績計算表計算GPA。校內收件至12月2日(星期三)下午四點截止,本校預計推薦最多五名學生,全球處僅協助送出學生申請資料,是否獲得獎學金將由主辦單位決定。


