
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]德國柏林洪堡大學營隊 Humboldt University in Berlin

[公告]德國柏林洪堡大學營隊 Humboldt University in Berlin


德國柏林洪堡大學營隊 Humboldt Winter and Summer University (website)

Winter University 2016

(January 4th - 22nd)

Spring University 2016

(March 3rd - March 23rd)

Register before November 15th and SAVE 50€

1. The Berlin Wall and Cold War Era [Bachelor, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]


2. Cultural Memory - Museums in Berlin [Bachelor, 6 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]


3. European City and Regional Development Planning [Bachelor, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]


4. Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Germany  [Bachelor, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]


5. The International Protection of Human Rights [Bachelor, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]


6. Berlin in the Winter:  semi-intensive German language course [Bachelor/ Master/ Ph.D., 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 500€]


7. Germany and the New World Order [Bachelor, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]

1. Business & Economics

Ø  German "Social Market Economy" - A Better Capitalism? 
Bachelor/45h/4 ECTS/585€

2. Metropolitan Studies & Urban Development

Ø  Smart and Green City Berlin

Bachelor/45h/6 ECTS/585€

3. Religion, Ethics & Law

Ø  Introduction to International Economic Law
Bachelor/45h/6 ECTS/585€

4. Language, Literature & Writing

Ø  Berlin in the Spring - intensive German language course

Bachelor/Master/Ph.D./60h/5 ECTS/670€



