Four-week Winter program's application deadline is October 15, 2015. GPA has changed to 2.0 on a scale of 3.0. Also, self-recommendation essay is added to the application documents, therefore selection will be made based on the applicants' self-motivation and learning attitude when they are not confident with their GPAs.
Deadline: Application packages (total 6 documents) must be sent by October 15, 2015
Amount: The scholarship stipend is 80,000 JPY/ month which will be handed in person here at TMU.
Application documents: Please have all the following documents scanned and sent to TMU International Affairs Office at [email protected].
①Application Form for TMU Japanese Winter Program
②Japanese Language Evaluation Sheet
③Application Form for Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO) Scholarship program
④Self-Recommendation Form (for Student Exchange Support Program)
⑤A copy of the photo page of your passport*
⑥Official transcript
TMU Winter program
*Your passport’s expiration date must be no earlier than 6 months prior to the end of the program.
Scholarship eligibility: Students must:
-have excellent academic and personal outstanding in their home university
-demonstrate financial need
-upon termination of the period of study in Japan, will resume or complete their studies at their home university
-do not receive any kind of scholarship more than 80, 000JPY per month
-have the minimum of 2.00 GPA (on a 3.0 scale), which is calculated using JASSO's GPA calculation method, based on a transcript from the previous academic year
Also, if you have more than two applicants from your university, please list them up in order of priority in case the number of applicants exceeds the enrollment capacity. Please contact us at [email protected]. for any inquiries on the Winter program and scholarship.
*欲申請此winter program者請於9月30(三)中午12:00前繳交紙本文件一式兩份至全球處綜合事務組辦公室及寄送合併的電子PDF檔(項目一~六)至承辦人信箱,吳小姐:[email protected],(信箋標題:申請TMU winter program:oo系林oo),本校將擇優推薦學生至姊妹校