
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] INST-2015

[公告] INST-2015


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome your University take part in the VI International Natural Sciences Tournament. We are waiting for teams of 3-to-5 students having the following specialization: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Engineering and Pharmaceuticals. The competition consists of two rounds: extramural and intramural ones; and 2 leagues: Russian-speaking and International (English speaking) ones. To take part in the intramural round the teams has to successfully pass the extramural round (solving the solutions).

You can find the extramural round problems in the attachment. Please, note that we are waiting for teams' solutions until June 25, 2015.
The teams have to register an account and fill up the registration form: http://scitourn.com/account

Also this year each team of International league has an opportunity to contact with a Remote coach, a person who can help your team to make your solutions more competitive. If you would like, please, contact me and I will give you his/her contacts.

Mr. Kirill Volosnikov
International league coordinator
VI International Natural Sciences Tournament [email protected]
tel./WhatsApp: + 7 911 123 25 49

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/scitourn

